Mobile Memorials that act as Mobile Bases...WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK!
Here is the plan to raise the money our first Mobile Base:
Step 1: Come up with unique idea to benefit families and donors
Step 2: Test idea with the public
Step 3: Create Patreon page
Step 4: Launch the Patreon page
Step 5: Get feedback about the tiers (i.e., what other things do donors want)
Step 6: Iterate and repeat Step 5
Step 7: Execute with marketing
We are going to need the help from individuals, groups, other non-profits, and businesses. To create the impact we are looking to make, we need all hands on deck.
Our answer to "Step 1" was to do something for those who gave all. Every Mobile Base will effectively become a Mobile Memorial, but still function as planned (a mobile unit combating isolation by going to the isolated directly).
To put it into perspective, to show how attainable it is us (THAT INCLUDES YOU READER!) to get the first $50,000 trailer (not including a truck):
844 donors of $5 per month (for 1 year)
417 donors of $10 per month (for 1 year)
167 donors of $25 per month (for 1 year)
120 donors of $35 per month (for 1 year)
84 donors of $50 per month (for 1 year)
56 donors of $75 per month (for 1 year)
42 donors of $100 per month (for 1 year)
28 donors of $150 per month (for 1 year)
21 donors of $200 per month (for 1 year)
14 donors of $300 per month (for 1 year)
11 donors of $400 per month (for 1 year)
9 donors of $500 per month (for 1 year)
7 donors of $600 per month (for 1 year)
5 donors of $1000 per month (for 1 year)
Those numbers are MUCH easier to chew on. This is attainable for us all. Together we can launch this innovative program. We won't need the help of massive organizations right away if we have each other.
For full transparency our Mobile Base will be serving three major benefits:
Mobile Memorial
Remember all those who've fallen in combat, suicide, old age, or otherwise.
Direct attack on isolation by going to the isolated person(s)
Marketing the (Project Refit's) Blue Skies battle buddy (peer support) mobile application for military and first responders
Also, once we are able to afford the monthly payments on the trailer, we will begin the process of getting enough monthly donors for the truck (or find someone who wants to donate a truck to pull the Mobile Base). Then we will be trying to raise the money to hire at least 1 veteran or retired first responder to man the Mobile Base.
This means we are making every effort to put your dollars towards helping and employing veterans.
We say this with the utmost confidence:
We are innovative and hungry to make an impact on the lives that have served or are serving us now.
If you made it this far in the article, read everything, and are motivated to help us get this program off the ground, please visit our Patreon page and provide feedback on what would make you pay for a certain tier. Send feedback to
Thank you!